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29 arrested in Missouri drug sweep

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

June 26, 2014

Following a lengthy investigation involving a number of different law enforcement agencies, more than two dozen people have been arrested in south-central Missouri drug sweep. 

The defendants are facing charges for a wide range of drug-related offenses, including possession and distribution of street drugs like marijuana and heroin, as well as prescription painkillers and other medications. Others caught in the roundup have been charged with crimes relating to drug manufacturing, including manufacturing methamphetamine and growing marijuana.

The investigation leading up to the arrests took place over the course of 30 months and resulted in arrest warrants for approximately 50 individuals. A total of 29 people have been arrested so far in the sweep, and police are still working on tracking down a number of others whose warrants remain outstanding.

Those arrested in the roundup include two 62-year-old residents of a home where police allegedly discovered evidence of a marijuana growing operation, including about three pounds of processed marijuana and 18 marijuana plants. The two have been charged with manufacturing and felony possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.

When viewed in comparison to possessing illegal drugs for strictly personal use, drug dealing and manufacturing offenses are thought to be more harmful to society. Thus, these crimes are typically dealt with more severely by the legal system.

In addition to facing longer prison sentences and steeper fines if they are convicted, people charged with distribution, manufacturing or other serious drug crimes can often face other consequences such as higher bail. In this case, a judge set bail for the two accused individuals at $100,000 each.

Source: The Rolla Daily News, “Drug roundup nets 29 arrests,” Eddie O’Neill, June 24, 2014

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