Home » Criminal Defense » Weapons Offense
Hiring an attorney is always important following an arrest. It is especially important when the charge includes a weapons offense. Whenever a person is carrying a firearm while engaging in criminal behavior, the criminal penalties will undoubtedly be enhanced.
Conviction on charges of weapons offenses in Missouri can result in many possible consequences, including:
We will craft a personalized defense based on the specific weapons charge you face and the details of the charge. Our aggressive defense will be tailored to your specific situation.
The attorneys at Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer know the complexities that can arise in weapons offense cases. Have you been charged with:
If so, we can:
We will fight for you! The possible consequences of a weapons charge in Missouri are extremely serious, and your best chance at avoiding them is with representation by an experienced attorney.
For more information on weapons offenses, access revised statutes of the state of Missouri: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/c571.htm.
At Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer, your rights will be protected. You can count on our more than 100 years of combined experience to help you get the results you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our criminal defense lawyers at our office in Columbia by calling 573-442-1660.
Our lawyers are aggressive and thorough. We know that we cannot rely on the police investigation, because police miss things. We need to conduct our own investigation. That means visiting the scene of the alleged crime and re-interviewing witnesses to sift through half-truths that may have been told to the police. We will bring in private investigators and legal experts to ensure that we have every fact at our disposal. Once we have gathered all the facts, we use them to build a strong criminal defense case to protect you.
A paralegal will collect some basic information, including your availability, and call you back to schedule a meeting after checking our attorney’s schedules. Call 573-442-1660 today.
Complete the form to the right with your contact information and some details about your case. We promise you’ll hear back from us, usually by the next day.
Our law firm’s location in downtown Columbia gives our attorneys convenient access to the Boone County Courthouse and City of Columbia Municipal Court.
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