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Even if the divorce rate is declining, you may still need one

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

December 11, 2014

The divorce rate causes a great deal of concern for some people. Politicians are always discussing it, and often attempting to pass laws that they hope may lower it, like Missouri’s neighbor to the southwest, Oklahoma, which has enacted laws that enforce a waiting period, apparently in the hope that the couple will reconsider their divorce.

Social scientists and statisticians devote a great deal of energy to the problem, wondering why it happens, whether it is good or bad and what causes marriages to fail. Much of the concern over the divorce rate stems from the supposed effect on children.

While the details of child support, child custody and spousal support are often determined by the laws of the state, only you can determine if it is time for you divorce. The divorce rate appears to have been falling for the last three decades, and there are various factors that have influence that decline.

One is women have become independent, as they joined the work force and birth control allowed them to put off becoming mothers. This freedom has allowed them to marry when they are older, and more mature, which has also increased the stability of marriage.

The most important divorce rate for any couple is their own, and there are great many reasons why a couple may call it quits. From substance abuse and domestic violence, to a gradual growing apart as they age, divorce remains a very personal decision.

But it is important to have a knowledgeable guide when you decide, as the process is complex and fraught with many issues where professional advice is essential to allow you to make an informed decision.

The Huffington Post, “The Truth About The Divorce Rate Is Surprisingly Optimistic,” Brittany Wong, December 2, 2014

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