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Fatal motor vehicle accidents rose in Missouri in 2016

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

January 4, 2017

Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that there was an increase in fatalities resulting from car crashes in 2016 as compared to the previous year. A failure to wear seat belts continues to be one of the main contributing factors for these deaths.

One of the areas in the state with the highest incidence rate of traffic-related deaths is known to Missouri Highway Patrol Officers as Troop H. It encompasses more than 15 counties along the northwestern portion of the state and documented 39 fatalities just this year. This number is 5 percent higher than the 36 deaths recorded in 2015 and even more significant than the 28 fatalities reported in both 2013 and 2014.

The final reported vehicular death in the state was documented as having taken the life of a 60-year-old male on Dec. 29, 2016 along U.S. Highway 169 near Union Star, Missouri. Although an investigation was able to help officers determine the man was wearing a seat belt, he nonetheless lost his life upon being struck by two other vehicles who collided with him that day.

In terms of statewide statistics, in 2016, there were a reported 931 deaths from vehicular accidents across the state. This accounts for 61 more deaths than the same data compiled from 2015. Federal Highway Administration officials report that Missouri is at an all-time high when it comes to seat belt use at 81.4 percent. However, it’s still less than the national seat belt use of 88.5 percent.

Additionally, FHA officials point out that pickup truck occupants have the lowest propensity to use seat belts. Missouri state statistics for their use was just 69.7 last year compared to 82 percent from 2012 and 2014. The largest amount of fatalities in these cases is caused by ejections.

If you or someone you know has been either seriously injured or killed as a result of a car crash in Missouri, you may have a right to seek compensation. An attorney can help you learn of your rights as they relate to receiving compensation.

Source: News Press Now, “2016 saw slight increase in traffic accident fatalities,” Jan. 02, 2017

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