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I-270 southbound accident claims 1 life, injures 2 others

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

January 25, 2017

A fatal accident involving a tractor-trailer and three other vehicles claimed one life and seriously injured two others in the early morning hours on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017. The accident, which occurred in the southbound lane of I-270 nearest Clayton Road, closed all but one lane of the highway in both directions for nearly nine hours.

A spokesperson for the St. Louis County Missouri State Highway Patrol precinct reports that the accident was spurred by a passenger van attempting to change lanes. In the process of attempting to do so, it was clipped by a tow truck before losing control and striking another car. It was then that a semi-truck collided with the overturned van.

West County EMS & Fire officials arriving on the scene found themselves having to put on a fire that had started in the truck’s trailer once they arrived on the scene before they could render assistance those injured. The mangled mess of a pileup was primarily centered in the left shoulder of the roadway closest the center barrier.

The decedent in the crash was a passenger in the van who is listed as a 58-year-old Truesdale, Missouri, resident. The driver of both the van and the car involved are reportedly in serious condition. The two occupants of the tractor-trailer nor the tow truck driver are thought to have sustained any injuries as a result.

Fatal motor vehicle accidents unfortunately happen all to often. There may be both state and federal laws applicable depending on the particular circumstances of a case, complexities he can explain. An experienced Missouri personal injury attorney can advise you of your rights as it relates to filing a claim.

Source:, “All lanes of SB I-270 reopened after fatal accident, semi fire,” Jan. 17, 2017

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