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Motorcycle accident victims can seek personal injury compensation

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

December 7, 2016

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident caused by a negligent motor vehicle operator, you probably have many questions.

A motorcycle accident can leave you with serious injuries. Last year, 88,000 motorcycling enthusiasts suffered injuries while riding. Many of those involved in motorcycle collisions suffer severe injuries due to driver’s negligence.

The feet and legs were the most vulnerable to non-fatal injuries, but the neck, head, back, shoulders, chest, hands, arms, pelvis and hips are all susceptible to disabling injuries from motorcycle crashes.

When a collision occurs, it is best for injured motorcyclists to seek professional guidance from attorneys whose practices include cases involving motorcycle injuries.

Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers can answer your questions about a personal injury claim. We will fight to claim fair compensation for your personal injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident. We can help you recover money for your medical expenses, lost wages and payment for your permanent injuries.

Motorcyclists can’t compete against the size and weight disparity of the heavier cars and trucks in a collision. When accidents occur, the drivers are at a disadvantage against larger and heavier vehicles due to their smaller size and limited protection to absorb an impact.

Many motorcycle accidents could be avoided if motorists paid more attention to them on the road instead of getting distracted by activities like texting, talking on cellphones or with passengers, applying make-up or interacting with GPS systems or other electronic devices.

It’s important to file any claims or lawsuits promptly to avoid proscription, which would mean that you would then be unable to recover any financial compensation for your injuries or damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Our website can provide more information about compensation for injured motorcyclists.

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