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Negligence may have caused crash that killed father and baby girl

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

February 1, 2016

Fatal car accidents are always tragic, but some seem to touch the hearts of even those not attached to the victims. The apparent negligence of one driver recently caused the death of a young Missouri father and his baby. The crash reportedly occurred in Henry County on 13-Highway.

According to an accident report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident took place near Clinton in the early evening of a recent Sunday.

It is alleged that a northbound driver tried to pass another vehicle on a hill. Conditions to pass were apparently unsafe, and he smashed head-on into an approaching car that was driven by a 20-year-old man. This man’s 18-year-old wife of two months and their baby girl were also in the car when the crash occurred.

The father and baby both lost their lives, while the young mother was rushed to a hospital in Kansas City with injuries of unknown severity. The 80-year-old male driver who crashed into them also died at the scene, and his 52-year-old female passenger was airlifted to a hospital. The extent of her injuries is not known.

Negligence by drivers on Missouri roads can lead to civil claims against their estates if they do not survive. After this fatal crash, the estate of the driver who failed to take due care when he passed another vehicle may be sued by the injured mother for personal injuries she suffered and also for the wrongful deaths of her husband and baby. Also, the injured passenger in the car of the driver deemed responsible may also file a personal injury claim. Evidence of negligence will have to be established before the court will consider entering any monetary judgments for documented financial and other losses.               


Source:, “Baby and two men killed when driver tries to pass on Clinton, Mo. hill“, Jan. 25, 2016

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