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Sociologists consider whether divorce rate is linked to economy

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

January 30, 2014

Money troubles may be involved when some people decide to divorce. Struggles over finances and the household budget may cause a strain on a marriage. News accounts in Missouri often speak about the nation’s overall economy. We have all listened to media commentators offer opinions about the direction of the economy as the nation continues to seek recovery from the financial meltdown that occurred several years ago.

As signs of recovery started showing up several years ago, some commentators noted a slight uptick in the divorce rate. Sociologists and researchers looked in to the mystery of why an improving economy seemed to be tied to an increase in the divorce rate—especially with the idea in mind that financial difficulties can place a strain on marriages.

A sociologist out east says that after the financial collapse in 2008 occurred, the divorce rate dropped. As the economy started to improve, people started to file for divorce at slightly higher rates. His research is scheduled to be published in the journal Population Research and Policy Review, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Commentators say that when the economy suffers, some people delay filing for divorce. A sociologist from Johns Hopkins says researchers noted a drop in the divorce rate during the Great Depression as well.

The latest research indicates that the Great Recession may have had some impact on the divorce rate, at least in the short term. But, commentators say that the findings may only reflect an issue concerning the timing of when people file for divorce, possibly linked to financial concerns.

Notably, when a person decides to divorce, whether in a good or bad economy, financial concerns may often be an issue. Property division, spousal and child support issues, and other financial concepts are among the concerns of family law in general. Protecting rights in family court is a vital consideration in any Missouri divorce.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Divorces rise as economy recovers, study finds,” Emily Alpert Reyes, Jan. 27, 2014

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