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Texting — the cause of many fatal motor vehicle accidents

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

September 1, 2016

Recent statistics indicate that the number of fatalities in road accidents nationwide continues to increase. According to the American Automobile Association, distracted driving is a large contributor to the alarming rate of deaths. A spokesperson for the AAA said texting might be the most shocking distraction because drivers engage in it voluntarily, often leading to fatal motor vehicle accidents.

Missouri is one of only four states that allow drivers to text while they drive. It is only prohibited for drivers younger than 21 years. The Department of Transportation says of all the drivers in their 20s that were killed in crashes, 38 percent had been using their mobile phones at the time of the accident.

Attempts by state lawmakers during each session to get a law passed to ban all texting, regardless of the age of the driver, have failed thus far. Sadly, many people make poor choices. In the states where texting is banned, 17 percent fewer motorists use their mobile devices while driving than those in the four states with no ban.

Too many deaths have been caused by texting drivers, and it remains to be seen whether Missouri will pass laws to ban mobile use while driving. Surviving family members of those who have lost their lives in fatal motor vehicle accidents that were caused by texting drivers may pursue claims for financial relief. End-of-life costs and emotional damages may be recovered in a successfully presented wrongful death claim in a civil court. Establishing evidence of such negligence may be difficult, and the help of an experienced motor vehicle accident attorney may be invaluable.

Source:, “Number of people dying on U.S. roadways up; distracted driving partially to blame”, Nora Farrell, Lauren Pozen, Aug. 24, 2016

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