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The problem with (potentially) lowering the BAC limit

On behalf of Harper, Evans, Hilbrenner & Netemeyer

February 5, 2016

Numerous times in recent history, the federal government has attempted to alter the one drunk driving rule that everyone seems to know: that a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or greater means a DUI is in your future. Every time the attempt to change this rule comes up, it is invariably an effort to move the blood alcohol content (BAC) limit lower. And the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently said that one of their wishes for 2016 is a reduced BAC limit.

The NTSB wants to drop it to 0.05, or even lower. While on paper that may sound like a noble idea worth pursuing, think about who this law targets.

People who drive with a BAC over 0.08 will still be in trouble under this potential new BAC, just like they would be under the current BAC. So there’s no change or improvement to the system there. But people who enjoy a drink or two under the current system and are still legally able to drive without breaking the DUI law (0.05 to 0.07 BAC) would be in trouble under the potential new limit.

We’re talking about good, hardworking people who, currently, are not breaking any laws. In fact, they are considerately not exceeding the BAC limit — stopping themselves from consuming too much alcohol. And these are the people the NTSB wants to target and arrest to supposedly improve road safety and prevent future drunk driving?

Efforts to curb drunk driving are welcomed. But targeting people who are not the problem currently is foolhardy.

Source: Jalopnik, “The Feds Still Want States To Lower Their Drunk Driving Limits,” David Tracy, Jan. 15, 2016

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